Introduction to English Linguistics – Major stress 2
Posted by Betsy on May 7, 2020 in Uncategorized | ∞
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I noticed that in the noun-verb pair, the position of stress is different between the noun and the verb. I decided to practice a lot of pronunciation to clearly understand the location of stress.
I thought it is difficult to distinguish the pronunciations between the same spelling which have different meanings.
It is the thing what I could not understand when I was in high school. I could find the difference between verbs and nouns that have two syllables.
I could understand stress patterns of nouns and verbs.
I think it is difficult to divide which word is verb or noun.
Your explanation is clear and really easy to understand for me. Thank you!
I could understand about stress patterns!!
When I read vocabulary book, there were some words that same spell but have noun and verb meaning and I wondered how native speakers distinguish those words, but I could understand.